Member-only story
Pray for Afghanistan
Forget your prideful politics for a bit, and just pray.
People are hurting. People are dying.
And we want to argue about who’s at fault. Should President Biden have pulled the troops out? Is it President Trump’s fault because it was his plan and promise to pull them out? Should President Obama have already done it? Why did President Bush even start the war?
Please stop!
None of that matters right now and no one on social media is going to be able to do anything to affect our nation’s foreign policy. All we’re doing is wasting our time. The reality is that the Afghan government is falling and the Taliban is taking over the country.
This is reality.
For all the people on the ground, this is reality. The politics and the blame game do not matter.
The church in Afghanistan, which was one of the fastest growing in the world, has now been put on notice. Letters have been received that the Taliban knows where they are and are coming. There will be many Christian martyrs in the coming days.
Historical Normative Christianity.
I don’t say that to downplay the situation, but to put it in some perspective. American Christianity (which arguably shouldn’t even be a phrase, but that’s…